Where The "Pride Of The Yankees" Was Born, "We Watch The Games"
Friday, November 27, 2009
We Will Miss You Bob. . . .
Friday, November 13, 2009

That's right he's back and brings his magical lyrics to your CD player or MP3 device. And in this edition once again he takes no prisoners. No team nor sport is safe from the wit and wisdom of Pickering Junior. Of course like all other volumes the Yankees are his biggest target.
He takes shot at the Yankees in "The Yankees aren't The Yankees Any More". Not sure they are but after the World Series victory I will take them. As a matter of fact he uses the Yankees as a measuring stick in many of his compositions. But the Yankees aren't the only target on the CD. Joe Pickering Jr. ake a shot at our cross town neighbors the Mets in the Frankie the Sportsguy inspired "My Father Cursed Me( He Made Me A Mets Fan)". It is clearly the jewel on the album.
He also goes on to explore the baseball lore of the Indians, Dodgers, his beloved Red Sox, Cubbies, the dethroned AL champion Tampa Bay Rays and more. It is done in his usual, witty, laughable style.
Danny Mack brings a breathe of fresh air to the stylings of Phil Coley to a point where I was ready to stand up and applaud. If I had to critical I would just say that the liner notes are much too small for my 53 year old eyes. The good news is they should be on www.kingoftheroadmusic.com website by the time you read this. I may sound like a cliche but it is just in time for the Holidays and guess what Joe included not one but two Christmas songs on the CD, although our President may have preferred that the last cut be called Happy Holidays used in the title "President Obama Merry Christmas to You". Intentional, you be the judge.
Go out and buy it for the baseball fans on your ...er Holiday List.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Jeter and Tex Bring Home The Gold

Jeter's Gold Glove is the first since the last of his three consecutive berths in 2006 and represents no small accomplishment for the 35-year-old, who rededicated himself to defensive improvement after turning a cold shoulder to some criticism in recent years.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Here is the official info for the show:
Sports Talk Live With Frankie The Sports Guy: Frank Maniscalco hosts.
Guests on the program will include author Dana Brand, who will be followed by Adam Bernacchio of The Ghost of Moonlight Graham baseball blog.
Then former Yankees 3B Charlie Hayes will close out the show talking Yankee baseball.
Be sure to tune in. It will be archived at the site below incase you are watcing something on FOX.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Pedro returned to the stadium for the first time since he played for the Mets. He put on quite a show. The Yanks won this round in the Who’s Your Daddy? Sweepstakes. Petey pitched well but AJ did him one better as the Yankees won 3-1 with Mariano Rivera getting a six out save. "After yesterday, getting a win today was big," (Mark) Teixeira said. A night after getting stopped by Cliff Lee in the opener 6-1, the Yanks bounced back from an early deficit, sparked by a pickoff throw from backup catcher Jose “the Panda” Molina.
Derek Jeter has won the Roberto Clemente Award partially due to his Turn 2 Foundation. The Yankee captain was presented with the award Thursday before the start of yesterday’s game.
BIG MOUTH DEPARTMENT Jimmy Rollins was quoted in saying:
Thank goodness the World Series is leaving New York so we can get a little atmosphere.
"Our ballpark is so loud and rowdy, I was really expecting some of that here," Phillies shortstop Jimmy Rollins said. "It was very tame and civil."
Rollins flashed that devilish smile of his, the one that all but says, "Put it on the back page."
From mystique and aura to tame and civil.
What has the Bronx come to?
I wonder what Pedro thinks. I think Jimmy should get his ears checked.
Like a wise man once said "It's not who wins the first game, it is who wins the last."
Monday, October 26, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Dear Joey G,
Why do you feel like you need to do something all the time. How can you pinch run for A-Rod with anyone? Alex is not slow by any stretch of the imagination. Then to add insult to injury he didn’t even try to steal! Pinch run for Posada, Molina or Matsui but not A-Rod! Joey this series should have ended twice already! Not only are you over managing you are alienating your team. You may leave the Steinbrenner boys no choice but to can you. Talk it over with your bench coach he’s there to help you not to be your Spanish translator. Stop and think or we’ll be going home early again. Also if you get us to the World Series bring Hinski and leave Guzman behind.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Jorge Posada is pencilled in at DH while Jose Molina will be catching Burnett. So if we need defense in the late innings look for Frankie Cervelli to get the nod. Hideki Matsui will be relegated to pinch hitting duties. And we got to hit big and hit early just to keep Skipper Joe in the dugout.
The team chemistry is GREAT, people especially fans of other teams claim the Yankees have no team chemistry, but this year we got the all-time record for most consecutive games without an error! Girardi is did a fine job all year, really at this point in time what more can you ask for? We beat Boston in the most important games after going 0-8, you cant win them all but its better to win down the stretch now then in the beginning when it doesn't matter as much.
During Girardi's entire tenure as coach of the Yankees he has had numerous injuries to his players, especially early on this season. Girardi lost Chein Ming Wang last season and still doesn't have him.
And everyday this season don't forget he had to rely on Nick Swisher who helped make this a team effort. A-Rod you say? Well Al has performed much better with Joey G as he has shown much more confidence in his third baseman than Mr Torre did.
Keep you fingers crossed and let have the pennant in had when we get back to Da Bronx.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
It will be Andy Pettitte against Spicoli's brother Jarad Weaver in the first of three games at the Big A, or is it the Big LA of A now? 4 O'Clock start on FOX with Dumb and Dumber at the mike.
Two pretty sloppy games in NY but we came out with two victories and would be great to take two of three on the left coast. That however will be no easy task.
Pie last night was on Jerry Hairston Jr. in a typical A.J. Burrnett game. We will by AJ is no where in sight until pie time.
Can't take these games lightly as the Angels are a tough team. Travel day today and due to the late finish Joe Girardi gave the guys off Sunday.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
It's time to take a cue from your buddy Derek. Know when to say the right thing and know when to shut up!
In the aftermath of Joe Girardi gambling by naming Jose Molina starter for game 2 of the 2009 ALDS, your performance last night both on and off the field almost made me wish he named him starter to game one as well.
Your throws were perfect, if Derek Jeter was 14 foot tall and you allowed two pass balls and were a bit lackadaisical in the field. OK one of the PBs were admittedly CC's fault because he admits you got crossed up. But even so you don't throw your teammate under the bus in the post game press conference. It wasn't that long ago Andy Pettitte preferred you over Joe Girardi. He actually preferred Jimmy Leyritz over both of you.
OK regardless of if AJ Burrnett is a primadona or not you have to sit back and accept your manager's decision and don't second guess him to the press or on Centerstage or anything. Sure you were disappointed, I wouldn't want you on my team if you weren't. If it helps AJ at all I am all for it.
You behaved like a sour old man all year, it's time to sit back and enjoy the game. If Joe says jump ask him how high?
This is the closest knit team you had since 1999 so relax and enjoy it and you will do better. Show some support for The Panda as well. Think of it as pay back for when Molina filled in for you when you were hurt this year. Lead us Jorgy!...
Sunday, September 27, 2009

One isn't the only number to be proud of here are some other numbers courtesy of BTB's John Monaco
46-19 since the All-Star break,
84-41 .672 since 5/8, the day Alex returned
48 Come From Behind Wins,
14 by Walk-off
Yanks outhit opponent: 80-13
ML leading 35-17 against Left-handed Starters
Yanks hit a HR: 85-34
Remember when the Yankees were 0-8 against the Red Sox? That seems like a lifetime ago, doesn’t it?
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The Yankees magic number is now at 5 to clinch the AL East after cementing a playoff spot last night.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
LA of A Here We Come
Joba (Chamerlain) proved once again the Yankees screwed his mind up 100%. There is nothing he has done this year that told me he can pitch dominating from the pen or as a starter. He just can't get that peak velocity.
Time for Andy Pettitte to step up and put us on the right track tomorrow.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
The Bluest Skies You Ever Seen .....
The results Mariano's consecutive save streak came to an end.
I feel we will see this same scenario later this series with different results.
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Sure we could still win the AL East without beating the Red Sox or the LAA Angels but taking those games just gives you a boost.
It was all pie for A-Rod as Alex hit a walk off homer in the bottom of the 15th.
Ramiro Pena is back and ready to play some OF as well as infield. Now if he can only relieve.
Saturday is a FOX game, let's see if we can overcome that jinx.
It is also reported that due to the steroid factor the 1918 chant will be reinstated immediately.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
How can we let a beat up team like that beat us? A team with no bullpen, and missing three regulars. Joba where are you? you don't seem to be working anything out. Coincidence that we looked so bad after Francisco Cervelli was demoted? You tell me. All of a sudden Jorge Posada can't block a wild pitch and keep it in front of himself???? Heck you learn that in Spring Training.
Last game before the All Star Game tomorrow. Yanks wind up with four off days so everyone except Pettitte is available. We must salvage this one!
Monday, July 06, 2009
Review Munson: The Life and Death of a Yankee Captain

I know I am sounding cliche but once I picked this book up I just had to finish it. Yes it does help that Thurman Munson is my favorite Yankee of all time but any Yankee fan would love it just as much. Marty Appel pays tribute to the short lived legend like only a friend can.
For those that know Munson Appel builds the man up from ground zero, but he leaves you yearning for more through the entire book by telling us things that we never knew existed. He goes deep into the man, his life and his family including members of his family that you never heard talk of. From his teammates to the Plane crash in 1979 and Appel brings you George Steinbrenner how you would want to remember him.

You know I am a Munson fan but this book is getting top ratings from writers and in periodicals all over the country. Including the official BTB Book reviewer Harvey Frommer.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Random Thoughts
Okay, Josh Johnson is a stud but the National's pitchers weren't. A question has been turning over in my mind: Are the Yankees a bunch of "guess" hitters. I'm pretty sure AROD is and Posada. But we sure get caught looking at fastballs down the middle a lot. Maybe that's the secret explanation as to why we can't seem to hit pitchers we've never loved or seen before. It seems nobody except Robinson Cano is a see the ball, hit the ball player. I only say this because we're sure scuffling against some bad pitchers. Yet, we jumped all over Johan Santana, who even with diminished stuff has more than we saw against the Nationals.
Also, in my day to day weird ruminations I'm wondering if our pitchers are lining up to pitch on the road. I know Andy Pettitte would be first in that line considering his home and away splits. I understand our pitchers' reluctance to throw strikes. Everytime a ball is hit in the air by an opposing player I hold my breath 1000 miles away. We need to fix the right center power alley this winter. Our glittering jewel has an achilles heel.
Monday, May 25, 2009

The Yanks are being forced by Bud to wear red capsover Memorial Day weekend. All MLB teams willbe wearing red caps.The NY Yankees have never worn red caps in their history.Once again, the Friar hates what Bud is doing. ....Good Friar
Don't do it. Pay the fine. George Steinbrenner would've ...Asburry Boss
I would think that some our esteemed conservative members would be up in arms over this. Sounds like a communist plot to me. ... Rags
Ridiculous.....Bud should also make everyone wear all red uniforms.....like the Cuban team......to honor the troops of course.I guess a moment of silence and the playing of the national anthem....plus God Bless America during the 7th inning stretch is just not enough. ...BBT
I hate Bud and most everything he does....but this weekend think of ALL the veterans and the sacrifices they have made for ALL of us.Forget about the politics of war...remember the instruments that carry out the wars.The Veterans who selflessly gave up all their tomorrow's so we could have ours.I will ....Bernz-a-matic
It's for the Veteran's. Give it a break, boys. Some things, dare I say, are more important than the Yankees. ...effjay
Sorry Bernz. I think you're being duped. The veterans WILL BE FETED those days. It happens every year, as it should. I was totally OK with the Yanks doing this one time, and that was for the game with Virginia Tech. Those poor kids. I'm so proud of my team.I refuse to believe it's about respect for vets when they're going to be $37 apiece. The marketing wheels are turning. I have no intention to disparage the military, my views about war notwithstanding. One of my favorite days ever was the 2001 ALCS game where you were down there on the outfield partaking in flag duty in front of the right center field fence where Soriano would win the game with an opposite field jack later that night.Remember a couple of years back when they started selling and wearing the Spring Training caps with the white line on either side?Every OTHER team in mlb has multiple unis home and away. ...Knuckles
Knuckles, I'm with you on the fleecing of the consumer in the name of the holiday, absolutely. My day in Right Center (under the Armitron sign) is still my greatest time in the ball park and one of the highlights of my military career, and one I look at every day when I fire up my work laptop (I think of you and Sue every time I fire this baby up and the picture appears ) and, yes the Vet will be feted over the weekend, but it's premature to do so this weekend. There is a difference that a lot (especially the media and consumer machine) forget.Memorial day is to remember the Vets that gave all, to memorialize the fallen.Veterans day is for all vets to be feted both living and deceased.Big difference in this crusty old retired MSgt's eyes. ...Bernz-a-matic
I don't have no problem either, I would have liked it better if a certain perecentage of the profits went to the Vet. Hey last year it was a royal blue. It will look weird but a cap doesn't make or break the team. When someone asks why are all the teams wearing red caps, you can answer to honor out Veterans. ... Phil
Phil, according to the article, ALL proceed from the sale of these caps will go to the Welcome Home soldier fund. I don't particuarly like the red hat, but it is for a great cause. We owe alot to the soldier who are sacrificing now, and those who did so in the past. God bless the USA! ..Tarhealbomber
yankees don't wear red!!!! ... Jimbue
I can't argue with the vets here, but I don't like it. If we have to do it, we do it! GOFERIT-Yanks ...RJPinstripes
Honor the Vets, absolutely.MLB marketing ploy to make Bud look good - bah, humbug.How about MLB, as immensely profitable as they've been for years now, just making a donation to the Welcome Home fund (or any other worthy, appropriate charity) without sucking more $$$ out of the fans. ... DavidL
Fred Wilpon, Mets owner started the program last year aimed at creating job opportunities as well as addressing continuing health-care needs of returning veterans. ... JohnM
Monday, May 11, 2009
Dis and Dat

Don’t leave in a Huff, just leave. I for one can’t wait for the next Aubry Huff – Joba match up where nothing is on the line. After Huff made an @$$ of himself doing the Joba pump twice after his three run dinger in the first inning I wouldn't want to be on that side of the Joba fastball.
Melky Cabrera can cover a lot of ground in centerfield, but he throws to the correct base as well as Jorge Posada blocks the plate. Maybe we can fit him with one of those audio earplugs and they can send him instructions from the dugout. Or just tune him to John Sterling.
The Cisco Kid is a friend of mine. Francisco Cervelli legging out the infield squeaker was just as important as Johnny Damon’s homer yesterday in Baltimore. If it wasn’t for him and Jeter’s legs there would have been no AB in the inning for Johnny. Cervelli is not even considered a prospect. One would have thought the Yankees would have promoted the hot hitting PJ Pillatare. What’s one more guy with initials?
Friday, May 08, 2009
How can you go wrong writing a book on Yankee Icon Yogi Berra? Allan Barra presents the fact that Yogi Berra was the driving force of the Yankee Championship teams of his era. The author contends that year after year the Yankees had the best pitching in the league without the best pitchers because Yogi had the magic and know-how to handle the Bob Grims, Art Ditmars, and Ryne Durens along with the Allie Reynolds and Whitey Fords.
Barra is down about Yogi's talent as a big-league manager. Although his 1964 Yankees and 1973 Mets won pennants. And the fact that he understood the intricacies of the game. Yogi as his mentor, Bill Dickey predicted, biggest problem was in "managing men."
You won't find a lot of Yogisms in this book as it is more on the serious side of Yogi. Even so "True Yogi fans," the author insists, must distinguish between as he puts it "real Yogisms," distilled pieces of folk wisdom, and mere malapropisms. Barra even provides an appendix, with a "comparative study" of quotations from Yogi and world history's "great minds."
The Yankee Years by Joe Torre and Tom Verducci Doubleday
I know a lot has been said about this book already but I finally brought myself to read it. You can't attribute everything to Joe and most of the anti A-Rod propaganda was contributed by Sports Illustrated's Tom Verducci. The bottom line is Torre had final say what was in and what was left out. He could have said no to anything. Makes you wonder about the Manny (Ramirez) chapters to Joe's next book "The Dodger Years".
Overall a Yankee fan should read it but take it for what it is. Even more now that it is available for under $10.
George: The Poor Little Rich Boy Who Built the Yankee Empire by Peter Golenbock John Wiley & Sons
Long over due this book is a tribute to a man who brought the winning tradition back to the Pinstripes. None other than George Steinbrenner, one of the most controversial figures in sports, the owner of the New York Yankees.
Boss Steinbrenner for 34 years, he berated his players and tormented his managers and employees. He played fast and loose with the rules and made them his own, and twice could have gone to jail. He was banned from baseball for life–but was allowed back in the game. Yet George Steinbrenner also built the New York Yankees from a mediocre team into the greatest sports franchise in America.
This book pays tribute to that George we all know and love without pulling any punches and does it in detail. There is one problem nobody seemed to check out the facts. There were more errors in this book than Horace Clarke made in his career. Given the authors track record this proved to be very disappointing.
The range of the book includes love-hate relationship between George and his Father... the lies... to almost everyone that crossed his path, his hiring's and firings, his legal problems included, but not limited to illegal campaign contributions and lying to the federal government and more lies. You have to hope this isn't the last book we see or that he makes up for it in the paperback.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
The Daily Snooze

Chein Ming Wang is probably one of the nicest kids in baseball and he has been having more than his fair share of problems. I can understand a fans frustration with his performance as I am sure he is his own worse critic. But today's back page was just uncalled for.
With the homers flying out of the new cathedral in the Bronx, once Wang gets his velocity and sinker working he may be our best weapon. Until then the Yankees will be looking for answers. This may have been one of the worse games I ever have seen but it was not excuse for that back page.
As far as the press goes, if the Yankees it will keep you working into November this year. I am not asking you to sugar coat anything but treat a player like a human being. Call a bad outing a bad outing but don't be cruel and worry about what goes on between the lines. But that my Bomber Buddy is a different storey.
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Some first impressions: The New Yankee Stadium
By John Monaco
New Stadium is a spectacular addition to the neighborhood. The newly constructed Metro North Station is due to open 3rd week of May. A new Shopping Mall is also under construction. First real investments in this area in quite some time. Surprised you scan your own ticket. Plenty of entrances. I was the 3rd person-in through the gate I entered.
You enter into the Great Hall. Yankee Team Store and Hard Rock on one end and the Martini Bar is on the other end up 1 level. 16 Elevators in the Stadium. All have an Operator. One you enter the Great Hall you are on the street level. The playing field is actually below street level. If you make a left in front of the Team Store you can begin to see the playing field.
Concourses are huge.
Every type of food available. Prices are similar or slightly below last years pricing for similar items. Also have some value menus.Made one restroom visit. Had about 40 Urinals and a dozen stalls. You can only enter via a single door and must leave via the exit door. Plenty of water fountains with ice-cold NYC tap water.For the first day everything seemed to be operational. I expected more obvious signs of unfinished work but the Stadium looks 99+% complete in my eyes.
I've been to about 30 big league parks. The sitelines I observed in my walkabouts represent the best I've seen todate. I checked out Section 134 LF Field Level $85/seats. Those were the first seats Yanks offered me that I rejected. Those seats are better than I ever imagined. They spent a lot of dollars on Monument Park. That blue-tint stone must cost a fortune. MP is more cramped than across the street. 200 or so people at one time is about all its suited for. You have to walk down two short flights of stairs to enter Monument Park.I should have mentioned this earlier, every Yankee employee was friendly and greated you will a hello. I didn't recognize any of the concession stands workers. All appear to be new. I also couldn't find a tip jar.
The food - well they have everything you can want. Yankee combo Staff/Usher in every Section across all Stadium Levels.I sit up in the highest level (Grandstand) Section 424 which is inside 3rd base. Nice view.
As Knux pointed out we no longer sit on a steep angle that gives you the feel you are right on top of the action but overall the Yankees did a great job with the sightlines.
I took the escalator up to the Main Level then the ramps to the Grandstand. Those ramps were challenging for an overweight guy like me. 6 ramps in total with a slight incline. I was winded when I made it to the top. If I made that walk one hour a day for a month I think I could lose 30 pounds.
The Terrance Suite Seats which were Knux old seats are "sweet" They are worth the $100. Wow, what a view.
See for yourself at John's photo album and here too!
Dateline Da Bronx 4/2/09
I've arrived at YS for the 1pm workout. Stadium looks amazing from the outside. Gates open at 11am. Will post pix tonight.
Just completed a walk around the entire YS block. The complex from the outside is huge. Subway EL on River Ave. Has been repainted. It looks sparkling. Tookpix of Yankee vendors waiting to enter YS. Looks like they have 2000 or so workers.
Media ceremony going on in Great Hall. Sterling MC. Bernie is playing his guitar "Take Me Out to the Ballgame"
They just smashed guitars to open the Hard Rock
Beautiful sunny day in the Bronx. Visited Monument Park first. Completely walked first two levels. Ran into the Roadtrippers Season 2. Somewhat speechless. Not used to leg room and wide seats. The CF Bleacher Cafe is amazing. I'm not upstairs on my seat sec 424 row 10 Seat 24.
Infield being watered. Never seen the grass so green at this time of year. Some Yankees are on the field led by Andy Pettitte. Andy is throwing off the mound.
Forgot to mention you scan your own ticket to enter the Stadium. Very quick to enter.
Joba now pitching from the mound. Sound system rocks. Crystal clear and doesn't blast your ears.
Yanks have all left the field at 12:50pm. Just noticed their are no pigeons flying around.
1,000s of kids here on school trips. They're having a ball. Yanks also gave them coupons for free food and drink.
The CF Video Board is amazing. Yanks have been showing fan shots from all over the complex. I was on the video board when I was online to buy a hotdog. Players seem blown away by the HD quality. Yanks jogging and stretching. Nice video of all Yankees talking about the Stadium.
Yankee pitchers taking fielding practice. They are fielding bunts and throwing to 1B . Players often wave when they see themselves on the videoboard. Chien Ming Wang has been very active during the fielding drills. (Brett) Gardner and Melky (Cabrera) appear to be talking to another in CF.
1:45pm and still no pigeons. Must have setup some electronics. Derek batted first. Damon put one on the seats. Derek puts one in the Visitors bullpen. Crowd estimate 20,000
Texiera puts on in the LF Bleachers. Don't expect many Upper Deck HRs. Will be as rare as reaching the Black
Sunday, March 08, 2009
AROD Makes The Right Move
According Dr. Marc Philippon this is a partial surgery by inserting a tube in the hip repairing the damged portion of the labrium. Philippon is confident in the "85-90 pecent range" that Rodriguez will be able to play through the remainder of the 2009 regular season. He may then require surgery which may keep him on crutches for up to four months.
During the procedure, Philippon will shave down the bone at the hip, which has become rough through time. This should reduce the fraying. Also, the labrum will be set in such a way that it's more snug against the bone, making it much less likely to fray.
Philippon added an athlete can play an additional one to three years without the more invasive procedure. The Yankees need to find a third baseman now who can spell and/or fill in for Alex during the duration. Maybe Aaron Boone is available?
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Well If You In-Cyst!
Joe Dunand, Alex Rodriguez's older brother, told Enrique Rojas of ESPNdeportes.com during a phone interview that immediate surgery was recommended, and that rehabilitation would take about 10 weeks.
Manager Joe Girardi said it was bothering him last season. Why they didn't get it checked then is anyone's guess.
The discovery of the cyst also means that A-Rod will not be able to participate with the Dominican Republic team in the World Baseball Classic.
To be continued . . .
Friday, February 27, 2009
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Digital is a much cleaner and ghostless signal. It is far superior to the old analog signal. So why wait? It doesn't affect most views because most views have cable, a satellite dish or fiber optic TV connection anyway. It is for those Flintstones out there that are sill using the roof antenna or worse rabbit ears.
The government issued $40 coupons, limit of 2 per family, to help alleviate the cost. Sure if you buy you converter box in a store like CVS or Sears that would make you responsible for $10 to $20 per box. If you went to a place like Target it could cost you only $5 or just the tax at Walmart. (Tell me again why NYC is against Walmart?)
It is the same thing when they tried to push the metric system on us. It is much more logical than the English system. BUT they left people an alternative and they ignored it and it just plain didn't work.
If the actually need more funding to help the turnover then fine extend it. You would think the ABCs and NBCs of the world would help fund it as well. They don't want to lose their audience.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Up and Around
I see over at Pride of the Yankees at NJ.com they doubled their staff. So now it is Dave, Aziz, Mike and Steve, the Pre Fab Four. A job that I use to do by myself, I wonder if the share the $50 a month four ways? Dave and Aziz do a great job, I haven't had time to check out the other two yet. I would love to partner up on a blog. It would make interesting reading. Any takers?
Until next time...