Tuesday, October 24, 2006


With the World Series tied at a game a piece and all the sports shows trying to hang Kenny Rogers, one has to think what would have, could have, only if. . .

Was it the rain that done the Yankees in? Or if Moose could have held the Tigers down after Johnny's dinger in the rescheduled game two, would it have been me freezing my but off watching the Yankees take on the Cards for the first time in World Series play since 1964. Yes a year that marked the end of a dynasty for the Yankees and a new era in pop music as the Fab Four set foot on U.S. turf playing the largest concert to date in Shea Stadium.

I for one don't beleive teams should be aloud to make announcements until after the World Series is over. Wait for November to to fire your managers, to take up your options, to let the free agents be declared. That would only hold over the interest and extend the season as we know it. And we sure know we don't need the national pastime to be upstaged.

I won't say who Iam rooting for in the World Series but I am sitting here with my Abbey of Seal Beach cap on. Anyone remember the significance of that cap?

Well what do the Yankees need? There will be enough time to discuss that after the last out of game seven.

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