Each Spring I look forward to the warm summers, Spring Training, Opening Day and a new Yankee team. Over the last couple of years one additional thing I look forward to is the Maple Street Press Yankees Annual (formerly Bombers Broadside). When I see the YA on the shelves I know Opening Day is not far away.
It is a great publication that paves they way for the upcoming Bombers season in a way no "one" publication has done before. It is full of analysis by some of the greatest Yankees minds you can find. Chock full of writers that don't pull punches and leave no stone unturned. It stresses the current and upcoming team without forgetting the past season or the vast history that has paved its way through the Bronx.
The writers range from some of the best known Yankee beat writers to the renown webmasters on the Internet. Webmasters and publishers of the web are today unsung heroes, many of them do it for the love of the team. Writer and editor Cecilia Tan, who once again has put together another fine collection, got the proverbial ball rolling with a roster/2010 preview which you will want to keep by your remote control once the season starts. It is loaded with stats, charts and photos in addition to her fine writing style. It has some of my favorite writers in it as well as some of the writers that I love to hate. But here they can say no wrong! What YA would be complete without a contribution form Take Him Downtown's Dan McCourt.
It is a great publication that paves they way for the upcoming Bombers season in a way no "one" publication has done before. It is full of analysis by some of the greatest Yankees minds you can find. Chock full of writers that don't pull punches and leave no stone unturned. It stresses the current and upcoming team without forgetting the past season or the vast history that has paved its way through the Bronx.
The writers range from some of the best known Yankee beat writers to the renown webmasters on the Internet. Webmasters and publishers of the web are today unsung heroes, many of them do it for the love of the team. Writer and editor Cecilia Tan, who once again has put together another fine collection, got the proverbial ball rolling with a roster/2010 preview which you will want to keep by your remote control once the season starts. It is loaded with stats, charts and photos in addition to her fine writing style. It has some of my favorite writers in it as well as some of the writers that I love to hate. But here they can say no wrong! What YA would be complete without a contribution form Take Him Downtown's Dan McCourt.
This publication is for the die hard fan, the casual fan or just the rookie that wants to learn the game. Just reading this publication will prepare you for any office water cooler conversation that can be dished out. It would make you smarter than the guy that sits behind you during the game, you know the one I mean. So I couldn't recommend it more. Buy two copies someone is bound to borrow it and not return it. Pick up your copy at your local bookstore or newstand or order it here.